Exclusive Christmas Ribbon Designs

Exclusive Christmas Ribbons
For the 2021 Festive Season we decided to have a range of Exclusive Christmas Ribbons made for us to enable us to offer our customers something a little different.
The first decission was where do we have this made?
An easy choice really, rather than turn to China, we decided to partner with our UK ribbon manufacturer Berisfoirds Ribbons to design these with us and weave them.

Our aim was to design some classic looking Christmas Ribbons in contempary colours as well as some fun festive patterns.
Above are just three among the twenty or so designs that we have added to the range.
Alternative Reel Sizes...
We decided to offer all the exclusive ribbon designs in a range of different reel sizes in order to help meet the requirements of our customers. With this in mind we are offering the exclusive ranges on:
A small 5m reel
A well as a larger 10m reel
Existing standard 20m reel.
Enviromentially Aware
As always we try to leason our enviromential impact as much as we can, this time we have been able to make a difference!
The small 5m reels have all been wound on recycled cardboard reels, whilst this has an enhanced cost to us we have not passed this on and feel that it's the right thing to do.
While all the larger White coloured plastic reels are all made from recycled post consumer plastic from household white goods such as plastic fridge and freezer parts!
Some of the printed ribbon bases are made from recycled polyester, but not all. This is something that we are working on for 2022.
We have l;isted some more of the exclusive designs below. Yopu can find the rest of these at: https://www.simplyribbons.com/ribbon-shop/patterns/exclusive-designs.html