Ribbon Canopies

Basic Ribbon Canopy!
Have you hit a creative block for decoration on your big day or even for a family gathering?
Well here at Simply Ribbons we are always looking out for new and exciting ways in which to incorporate ribbon into a variety of uses. Our particular favourite of the week is this beautiful ribbon canopy, so simple yet so stunning. Combined with lights or even bells for a fairytale ambience, a fantastic way in which to use ribbon as a decorating tool for that special occasion.
We have attached a couple of simple examples below which we like. Feel free to contact us at any time is you would like to discuss any ideas that you have.
If you want to discuss your ideas with us then please feel free to contact us at any time on 01691 780416 or e mail sales@simplyribbons.com

Small Marquees & Ribbons
We have had a number of requests from customers looking to decorate a small Marquee and make it look a little different with ribbons helping to link the wedding colour theme to the venue.
In many cases these smaller marquees have an open side of open end to them, like the one we have featured in the image. To give a simple low cost but high impact effect we suggest hanging a number of ribbon lengths over the open side, this way the Marque does not feel as exposed and at the same time creates a nice themed effect that gently moves in the breeze.
This effect works best when a mixture of different ribbon widths and ribbon styles are used together. the image featured utilized a pack of our clearance ribbons as a result the total effect was created for under £30.